Sustainable transports: a joint effort to protect the planet
The new European climate law aims to limit emissions of climate-damaging greenhouse gases within the EU to net zero by 2050. Emissions are to be reduced by 55 per cent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Since, according to the Federal Environment Agency, 19.4 per cent of all greenhouse gas emissions in Germany are caused by road transport (passenger and freight transport, as of 2021), transport and logistics service providers are also required to do their part to achieve the 1.5-degree target. CargoLine is committed to this responsibility – and offers shippers the opportunity to make a joint positive contribution to climate protection.
With NightLineEco, shippers and CargoLiner are entering into a sustainability partnership. Shippers who are flexible in their scheduling give us four days to deliver their consignment. The exact loading time depends on the current capacity utilisation of the trucks. That way, free capacity is optimally utilised, overhangs are avoided and therefore no additional emissions are generated. The average reduction of 13 percent compared to a conventionally produced consignment therefore results from the better use of resources throughout the entire transport process. For the remaining emissions, the CargoLine partners make a financial contribution to certified climate protection projects.

NightLineBalance is aimed at shippers who cannot (further) reduce their transport emissions through avoidance and reduction, but who still value a positive contribution to climate protection. On request, the climate impact of each of your shipments can be calculated and, in return, Gold Standard-certified CO2 savings projects (handled by our climate protection partner myclimate Germany) can be financially supported.
By the way, are you already familiar with our CO2 calculator in the Cepra customer portal? You can use it to calculate the exact emissions of each consignment. Don’t hesitate to ask your CargoLine partner about it!